Volgens vaste patronen, 2024-2025, Museum Jan Cunen, Oss

Volgens vaste patronen, 2024-2025, Museum Jan Cunen, Oss

Waiting for Blue, 2022, Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch

Waiting for Blue, 2022, Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch

Waiting for Blue, 2022, Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch

Yell.Oh, 2022, Studio Seine, Rotterdam

BIG - Size does matter, 2022, Rademakers Gallery, Amsterdam
Work on the left by Iwan Smit

Origin of Orange at 'KleurTonen', 2021, Gorcums Museum, Gorinchem

Partituur & Colorcircle XXXIII, 2021, Big Art, Hembrugterrein, Amsterdam Zaanstad

The White Light Breaks up into Colours, 2021, Galerie Wit, Wageningen

The White Light Breaks up into Colours, 2020, Koningskerkje, Vierlingsbeek

On the Surface of Colour, 2019, Studio Seine, Rotterdam

On the Surface of Colour, 2019, Studio Seine, Rotterdam

On the Surface of Colour, 2019, Studio Seine, Rotterdam

Colorcircles, 2019, Zinder, Tiel

New Strokes: Painting in motion, 2017, Museum Hilversum, Hilversum
On the right work by Jacco Olivier

IDFX Exchange, 2016, Neue Galerie Landshut, Landshut, DE